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- Need more material to practise grade 5 sight-reading? The ABRSM Grade 5 Piano Sight-Reading Specimen Tests book is jam-packed with practice sight-reading exercises to get you ready for the sight-reading assessment in your grade 5 ABRSM piano exam! AB...
- you are asked to play a short piece you?ve not seen before. The ABRSM Grade 5 Piano Sight-Reading book has example exercises to help you develop your sight reading skills
- and guidance notes to give you an idea of what to expect! 45 example exercises The 45 exercises in this ABRSM Grade 5 Piano Sight-Reading book are all typical examples of what you will encounter in your ABRSM grade 5 piano exam
- which is a piece of around 8-12 bars in length
- in the same time signatures as grade 4 (4/4